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5.5. Solar Radiation: SEBE (Visualisation)

  • Contributor



    Niklas Krave


  • Introduction

    The SEBE (Visualisation) plugin can be used to visulise 3D output from model results generated by the SEBE plugin.

  • Dialog box

    Fig. 5.6 The dialog for SEBE Visualisation

  • Dialog sections


    Canvas for visualisation


    Input data and settings

  • Select input folder

    The directory where results from a previous model run in SEBE is located.

  • Area of visualisation

    When this push button is clicked, a recanglge can be drawn on the map canvas. This is the area that will be visulised.

  • Visulise

    When this button is clicked, the selected rectangular area will be visulised in the SEBE (visualisation) canvas at the top of the GUI.


    Fig. 5.7 Example of a SEBE Visualisation from Gothenburg, Sweden. Data used in this example is found here.

  • Close

    This closes the plugin.