Python for processing (SOLWEIG)




The first part of this tutorial is designed for a Linux/Unix/Mac type of OS. For Windows users, first have a look at this tutorial and the last part of this tutorial


Run UMEP from outside QGIS environment can be quite useful:
  1. To simulate large areas (run multiple zones in a row within a Python loop)

  2. To automatically connect UMEP models to other models or postprocessing scripts


This tutorial shows:
  1. How to makes QGIS functions accessible from standalone Python scripts

  2. How to call QGIS functions (thus UMEP functions…) in Python

  3. A simple application case using SOLWEIG


If you use Python in a specific Python environment, make sure it is the same as the one you use when you run UMEP within the QGIS interface.

1. Makes QGIS functions accessible from standalone Python scripts

To use QGIS functions in your Python scripts, you need to add the following at the beginning of your Python script:

# Necessary imports
from qgis.core import QgsApplication

# Starts the qgis application without the graphical user interface
gui_flag = False
app = QgsApplication([], gui_flag)

# Then you prepare the processing framework to access all default QGIS processing function
from processing.core.Processing import Processing

2. Call QGIS (then UMEP) functions in Python

You can now call QGIS processes in your script. All processes ? No, actually for QGIS plugin processes, you need to import them first. In the plugin directory (probably ‘/home/ __your_username__ /.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/python/plugins’ for linux users and ‘C:\Users\ __your_username__ \AppData\Roaming\QGIS\QGIS3\profiles\default\python\plugins’ for Windows users), go to the plugin directory you want to use (for example ‘processing_umep’ for UMEP), open the Python file called (’ __anyname__’ for our example) and get the name of the class (here ‘ProcessingUMEPProvider’).


Fig. 148 Example of provider class (click on figure for larger image)

Along with this information, you need to add the following lines in your Python script to import the plugin processes in the QGIS factory of processes:

from processing_umep.processing_umep_provider import ProcessingUMEPProvider
umep_provider = ProcessingUMEPProvider()

Finally, you just need to call the process using the right Python processing command. To know how to call a specific process, the easiest way is to run it within the QGIS interface first and then copy and paste the content of the history log into your script.


Fig. 149 How to get all needed inputs for a given processing (click on figure for larger image)

Before to run it in your Python script, you need to import the module ‘processing’:

import processing

You can then adapt the values of the dictionary in your own script. This command will return a dictionary of outputs from the process you run. You can then use these outputs to connect processes between each other (e.g. in the previous example you get a dictionary with two outputs: ‘OUTPUT_DIR’ and ‘OUTPUT_FILE’).


Fig. 150 Name of the processing outputs (click on figure for larger image)

At the end of your script, do not forget to end the connection to the QGIS session by adding the following:


Now that all needed processes can be run from your Python script, let’s apply and connect some of them.

3. Application case: SOLWEIG

In this example, we will compute the mean radiant temperature for a given area. Thus we will need to produce the SOLWEIG inputs using the ‘Sky View Factor’ and ‘Wall height and Aspect’ preprocessors and then connect their outputs to the SOLWEIG processor. These processors are only UMEP ones, thus in order to illustrate that you can connect them to other QGIS processes, we will first crop the data in order to minimize the size of the study area using the GDAL ‘Clip raster by mask layer’ process.

Data for this exercise

The UMEP tutorial datasets can be downloaded from our here repository here.

Download and extract the raster layers (DSM, CDSM, DEM and land cover) and the vector mask layer (mask_layer) from the Goteborg folder into the folder of your choice (keep the folder directory, you will need it later on).

If you want to know what you have downloaded:

  • Open the data into QGIS:
    • Create a new project

    • Examine the geodata by adding the layers to your project:
      • for DSM_KRbig, CDSM_KRbig, DEM_KRbig and landcover: *Layer > Add Layer > Add Raster Layer

      • for mask_layer.shp: *Layer > Add Layer > Add Vector Layer

  • Coordinate system of the grids is Sweref99 1200 (EPSG:3007). If you look at the lower right hand side you can see the CRS used in the current QGIS project.

  • Have a look at A First QGIS and UMEP activity on how you can visualise DSM and CDSM at the same time.

  • Examine the different datasets before you move on.

  • To add a legend to the land cover raster you can load landcoverstyle.qml found in the test dataset. Right click on the land cover (Properties -> Style (lower left) -> Load Style).

Then define in your Python script the location of the input needed data (where you have extracted the data) and where it will be saved

# Input files definition
input_directory = " **directoryofyouchoice** "
input_mask = "mask_layer.geojson"
input_cdsm = 'CDSM_KRbig.asc'
input_dsm = 'DSM_KRbig.tif'
input_dem = 'DEM_KRbig.tif'
input_landcover = 'landcover.tif'
input_meteo = 'gbg19970606_2015a.txt'

# Defines an output directory where will be stored your outputs (and intermediate results)
output_dir = " **directoryofyouchoice** "

Crop your data to focus on a specific area

First, we want crop the raster files to limit the size of study area by using the vector mask. Only the ‘.asc’ file need ‘SOURCE_CRS’ and ‘TARGET_CRS’ specified since it does not contain any coordinate system information.

# Set the EPSG code for the .asc file which has no EPSG
from qgis.core import QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem
cdsm_epsg = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem('EPSG:3007')
input_cdsm_filename = input_cdsm.split(".")[0]
crop_cdsm ="gdal:cliprasterbymasklayer",
                           {'INPUT': os.path.join(input_directory, input_cdsm),
                            'MASK': os.path.join(input_directory, input_mask),
                            'DATA_TYPE':0,'EXTRA':'','OUTPUT': os.path.join(output_dir,
                                                                            "Crop_" + \
                                                                            input_cdsm_filename + ".tif")})
input_dsm_filename = input_dsm.split(".")[0]
crop_dsm ="gdal:cliprasterbymasklayer",
                           {'INPUT': os.path.join(input_directory, input_dsm),
                            'MASK': os.path.join(input_directory, input_mask),
                            'DATA_TYPE':0,'EXTRA':'','OUTPUT': os.path.join(output_dir,
                                                                            "Crop_" + \
                                                                            input_dsm_filename + ".tif")})
input_dem_filename = input_dem.split(".")[0]
crop_dem ="gdal:cliprasterbymasklayer",
                           {'INPUT': os.path.join(input_directory, input_dem),
                            'MASK': os.path.join(input_directory, input_mask),
                            'DATA_TYPE':0,'EXTRA':'','OUTPUT': os.path.join(output_dir,
                                                                            "Crop_" + \
                                                                            input_dem_filename + ".tif")})
input_landcover_filename = input_landcover.split(".")[0]
crop_landcover ="gdal:cliprasterbymasklayer",
                           {'INPUT': os.path.join(input_directory, input_landcover),
                            'MASK': os.path.join(input_directory, input_mask),
                            'DATA_TYPE':0,'EXTRA':'','OUTPUT': os.path.join(output_dir,
                                                                            "Crop_" + \
                                                                            input_landcover_filename + ".tif")})

Preprocess SOLWEIG inputs

Then before to apply the SOLWEIG processor, we need to calculate the sky view factor, wall height and wall aspect for the cropped zone.

# Calculates SVF from cropped data
svf_outputs ="umep:Urban Geometry: Sky View Factor",
                             { 'ANISO' : True,
                              'INPUT_CDSM' : crop_cdsm["OUTPUT"],
                              'INPUT_DSM' : crop_dsm["OUTPUT"],
                              'INPUT_TDSM' : None, 'INPUT_THEIGHT' : 25,
                              'OUTPUT_DIR' : output_dir,
                              'OUTPUT_FILE' : os.path.join(output_dir, 'SkyViewFactor.tif'),
                              'TRANS_VEG' : 3 })

# Calculates wall height and wall aspect from cropped data
wallHeightRatioOutputs ="umep:Urban Geometry: Wall Height and Aspect",
                                        {'INPUT': crop_dsm["OUTPUT"],
                                         'INPUT_LIMIT': 3,
                                         'OUTPUT_HEIGHT': os.path.join(output_dir, 'wallHeight.tif'),
                                         'OUTPUT_ASPECT': os.path.join(output_dir, 'WallAspect.tif')})


Last we can run SOLWEIG using the input data produced by the previous steps."umep:Outdoor Thermal Comfort: SOLWEIG",
               {'INPUT_DSM': crop_dsm["OUTPUT"],
                'INPUT_SVF': os.path.join(svf_outputs['OUTPUT_DIR'],''),
                'INPUT_HEIGHT': wallHeightRatioOutputs['OUTPUT_HEIGHT'],
                'INPUT_ASPECT': wallHeightRatioOutputs['OUTPUT_ASPECT'],
                'INPUT_CDSM': crop_cdsm["OUTPUT"],
                'INPUT_LC': crop_landcover["OUTPUT"],
                'INPUT_DEM': crop_dsm["OUTPUT"],
                'INPUT_ANISO': os.path.join(svf_outputs['OUTPUT_DIR'],'shadowmats.npz'),
                'INPUTMET': os.path.join(input_directory, input_meteo),
                'OUTPUT_DIR': output_dir})